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Seph – The Reflection of Divinity

Misprint and the missing chapter

It has come to our attention that there was a printing error with several of the copies of Seph – The Reflection of divinity that have been sold. It appears that the Text from chapter 31 was copied over the text from chapter 32, and that chapter 32 is in fact missing. Sandpaper Press and…

Book Launch

The official launch party for Seph: The Reflection of Divinity will be happening on Tuesday June 8th at 3:00pm PDT. Please Join us on Facebook, TikTok, or Youtube live to attend the event virtually. We will be discussing the book as well as doing some games we hope you will find enjoyable, including some giveaways…

Cover Reveal

Now that we have had the official cover reveal event. I can share it here with everyone! A big thank you to artist Michael Brewster, who did the cover design! IN addition to the cover reveal, you can now find Seph – The Reflection of Divinity on Amazon at and Barns and Nobles: Though at…


Seph – The Reflection of Divinity has officially been approved for global distribution in both its paperback, and e-book formats. So keep an eye out for it to appear on your preferred book providers website, as it might show up for pre-order any day now. We don’t actually have very much control over this, since…

May the 4th

Star Wars day is officially upon us. With Disney premiering the first episode of their clone wars spin off The Bad Batch, and fans everywhere sitting down and attempting to binge the entirety of the 9 “episodes” that make up the core of the franchise, and adding in Rogue One and Solo. And a few…


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Photo by: Kimber Jessop
